2 Corinthians Chapter 1 - Study Notes NABRE

 Study Notes: The Second Letter to the Corinthians Chapter 1

  1. Greeting (1:1-2):

  • The opening of the letter follows the typical Pauline form.

   - Author: Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, and Timothy.

   - Recipients: Church of God in Corinth and all holy ones in Achaia.

   - Message: Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Thanksgiving (1:3-7):

  •   The thanksgiving is presented as a doxology, glorifying God (2 Cor 1:3).

  • The focus is on the theme of "encouragement" or "consolation," mentioned ten times, against the backdrop of affliction and suffering.

  • Paul shares his own experiences of suffering and encouragement, emphasizing the connection through Christ (1:5).

  • The Corinthians are reminded of their shared participation in the encouragement (1:7).

 - Blessing: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

   - Attributes of God: Father of compassion and God of all encouragement.

   - Comfort in affliction: God encourages us, and we share that encouragement.

   - Connection to Christ: Christ's sufferings bring encouragement.

   - Purpose of affliction: Affliction for encouragement and salvation.

   - Shared hope: Sharing in sufferings leads to shared encouragement.

3. Affliction in Asia (1:8-11):

  • Paul faced a severe situation in Asia, possibly a physical illness or external threat to life.

  • The outcome fostered a deepened faith in God alone, highlighting God's role in rescue and resurrection (1:9–10).

   - Paul's affliction: Desperation in the province of Asia.

   - Trust in God: Reliance on God who raises the dead.

   - Divine rescue: God rescued from danger and will continue to do so.

   - Importance of prayer: Seeking help through prayer.

   - Gratitude: Thanks given for the gift granted through many prayers.

4. Paul’s Sincerity and Constancy (1:12-14):

  • Paul discusses his conduct and attitude, emphasizing openness, single-mindedness, and conformity to God's grace.

  • Boasting is introduced as a recurring theme, used positively (1:12, 14).

  • Paul's initial travel plans are outlined, leading to changes, alternative measures, a breach, and eventual reconciliation with the Corinthians.  

- Boast in conscience: Boast is the testimony of a clear conscience.

   - Conduct toward Corinthians: Simplicity and sincerity, guided by God's grace.

   - Transparent communication: Writing what can be read and understood.

   - Mutual understanding: Corinthians are a source of pride for Paul.

   - Future plans: Intended visit for a double favor.

5. Paul’s Change of Plan (1:15-24):

  • Paul affirms the faithfulness of God and his constancy in life and work.

  • Terms like "yes," "faithful," "Amen," and "gives us security" convey the steadfastness of God, Christ, and the Corinthians.

  • Commercial terms such as "seal" and "first installment" are used analogously, possibly referring to Christian initiation, even baptism (1:21–22).

  • Paul explains the delay in his visit to Corinth, raising speculation about the reason.

  • Expressions like "to spare you" and "work together for your joy" introduce major themes of cheer, rejoice, encourage, joy, and pain, affliction, anguish, which will be elaborated upon later in 2 Corinthians (1:23–24).

   - Confidence in the visit: Confidence in coming to receive a double favor.

   - Change of plan: Initially intended to visit twice, but plans altered.

   - God's faithfulness: God's faithfulness contrasted with human considerations.

   - Consistency in Christ: Christ's promises are always "Yes" in him.

   - Security in Christ: God gives security in Christ, anointed and sealed with the Spirit.

   - Divine witness: Paul calls upon God as a witness for not visiting Corinth yet.

   - Leadership approach: Not lording over faith but working for joy and faithfulness.

